Research on global defense industrial base supply chain :We are a Defense consulting firm focused on providing just-in-time country/market research to large government agencies. The research is aimed at advancing national security interests around the globe and covers specific national economic and defense-related topics. We need market research report on various countries focused on the defense market. The report should outline strategy, initiatives, programs, investments, trends and drivers, risks and opportunities, market participants including their organizational structure, major recent news and developing initiatives as well as how the overall picture compares with other countries. The report should also include, the country's economic outlook with data including last 10 years actual and 10 year projections on key economic and defense numbers such as: GDP, defense spending (broken down by priorities and programs), investment growth; exchange rate and historical / projected volatility, modernization initiatives, trends shaping the opportunity landscape and the supplier environment with a breakout of domestic and import. and related opportunities by mission area and ability to influence these variables. |